12 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi

Krallık ve Mitolojisi

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Georges Duby quotes an unnamed source as saying, “In the kingdom of heaven, there is but one who reigns and that is he who hurls thunderbolts. It is only natural that on earth as well there be only one who reigns, under him.

Embedded in this grand conception of kingship were two broad functions. One was to exercise control over secular aªairs by providing for one ’s subjects, protecting them, ensuring the peace, and administering justice. The other function was sacerdotal or priestly, and involved responsibility for managing relations among the monarch, his people, and God. In this respect, the king played the role of a mediator, aiming to win the favor of the deity for himself and his people. 1 Enacting these functions in turn dictated two main forms of economic activity: pillage and sacrifice, or, in the words of medievalist Georges Duby, “to despoil and to proffer.”

Scott, Robert A.. Gothic Enterprise : A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral.

Ewing, NJ, USA: University of California Press, 2003. p 64.

3) The sacral king can trace their ancestry back ultimately to a deity. With most of the Anglo-Saxon kings this was Woden, but the kings of Essex traced themselves to Seaxneat. The Swedeish kings traced themselves to Frea (Frey).


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